Video is a popular tool to illustrate how a product or service works – but when dealing with internal components or how products like adhesives and sealants improve the assembly process, visualization becomes more of a challenge.

360Circuits has the solution – teardown videos that use sophisticated 3D animation to virtually separate a product into its core components, so viewers can observe how they work together, and how the products offered by our clients improve their quality and expedite manufacturing time.

How Are They Created?

The first step is to acquire or purchase the product to be featured in the video – that gives us a physical version that can be dismantled by hand to study its internal functionality. Then we build it back together, both physically and virtually via photorealistic 3D animation, making sure to highlight the specific component of interest for the client.

Within these animations, parts or sections can be raised, lowered, shifted, or removed to focus a viewer’s attention on how pieces are assembled, how a product such as an adhesive is applied, and how electronic and chemical interactions occur in a way that is beneficial to the component’s operation.

Why Trust 360Circuits?

For a teardown video to be effective, it must be executed at every phase by experienced specialists who understand how the technology works, and how to accurately reconstruct each component in a virtual setting.

Anyone can take something apart (though with many electronic components even that process requires some industry expertise); understanding how assembly processes and procedures work, and how to depict them in 3D, requires both creative artistry and technical awareness. The 360Circuits team is comprised of both electronics industry veterans with decades of experience working for top global firms, and award-winning 3D artists, some of whom lend their talents to theatrical animated film releases when they are not working for us.

No other company can deliver that combination of skills, talent, and experience.